MUSAlist   MissyUSA珠芭侯
Hello, Stranger!

sweetmagic 12/1/2022 (06:37:59)

亜幻備 症焼 走貝 試聖 鋼蓄背左艦 

矧数製戚 蟹辛艦陥.

嬢軒汐醸揮 授娃税 識澱級 

益軒壱 益 衣引級

更 嬢村畏柔艦猿.

** ・ 猿走 越聖 処澗汽 増 新 掩拭 蟹巷亜 床君閃 歯混猿走 舛穿戚 鞠醸革推 せせせせせ

せせせせ11杉拭 臣険 越引 益顕戚醸走幻 更 嬢村畏柔艦猿?? 鉛鉛馬惟 獣娃戚 碑君獄鍵杏 せせせせ

<亜走 省精 >

葛空  紗拭 掩戚  哀掘稽 概醸柔艦陥.

蟹澗  掩聖  亜走 公馬澗 依聖 照展鴛惟 持唖馬檎辞,

神熊疑照 辞辞  掩戚 荏嬢 鴎食 鎧形娃 汽猿走,

郊虞陥瑳  赤澗 汽猿走 菰軒 郊虞陥左紹柔艦陥.

益軒壱業旭戚 焼硯陥錘 陥献 掩聖 澱梅柔艦陥.

 掩拭澗 熱戚  赤壱 紫寓戚 杏精 切昼亜 旋嬢,

焼原  杏嬢醤  掩戚虞壱 蟹澗 持唖梅醸揮 惟走推.

 掩聖 杏生糠稽 掩亀 暗税 旭焼霜 依戚走幻.

  焼徴  掩拭澗

開娠聖 高精 切昼澗 蒸醸柔艦陥.

蟹澗 陥製 劾聖 是馬食  掩精 害移 砧醸柔艦陥.

掩精 掩拭 尻馬食 魁蒸生糠稽

鎧亜 陥獣 宜焼臣 依聖 税宿馬檎辞・.

畔劾拭 畔劾拭 蟹澗 嬢巨識亜

廃需聖 習悟 戚醤奄拝 依脊艦陥.

 紗拭  哀掘 掩戚 赤醸陥壱,

蟹澗 紫寓戚 旋惟  掩聖 澱馬心陥壱,

益軒壱 益依 凶庚拭 乞窮 依戚 含虞然陥壱.

稽獄闘 覗稽什闘杷探究 

- - - - - - - -

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

 # 戚腰越税 益顕精 亜牽帖奄 獣拙廃 俳持戚櫛 旭戚 益鍵 焼戚鳶球 球稽跡脊艦陥
因姶走呪 :
穿庚亜 町軍
因走紫牌 :
稽壱 紫戚闘社鯵 | 辞搾什鉦淫 | 闇税/拭君重壱 | 舛噺据去穣照鎧 | 韻壱庚税