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2023-09-24 am 1:24:00
My husband found out that I've been giving 00 a ride every week. But if this happens every week, not just occasionally, it could cause big problems for both sides if an accident happens. So my husband asked me to stop. I deeply apologize for my hasty decision and ask for your understanding. Starting this week, I won't be able to give 00 a ride anymore.


My husband discovered my weekly carpooling with 00 and expressed concern about potential accidents. He requested I stop, and I've agreed. I apologize for any inconvenience this sudden change may cause and ask for your understanding. From this week onwards, I can no longer provide rides for 00.


My husband recently discovered that I've been consistently offering 00 a ride each week. However, he raised a valid concern that if this becomes a regular occurrence, it could potentially lead to significant issues for both parties in the unfortunate event of an accident. Consequently, he has requested that I discontinue this practice. I sincerely regret any inconvenience my abrupt decision may cause and kindly request your understanding. Regrettably, I will no longer be able to provide 00 with a ride starting from this week.


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2023-09-24 am 10:34:00
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2  ***
2023-09-24 am 7:03:00
Regarding our carpool on Wednesdays: my husband has some concerns about it. For the safety of both our families, I think we should reconsider this arrangement. I hope you understand. Let's discuss alternatives if needed.
2023-09-24 am 10:34:00
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