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2023-11-08 pm 7:32:00
The necklace chain has broken; is it possible to repair it? How much would it cost, and how long would it take?

The post of my earring is too short, making it difficult to put on and take off. Can the earring post be extended? How many millimeters can it be extended by? My earlobes are quite thick, which might be why the earring clip (the kind used by people who don't have pierced ears... is it called a clip?) seems to press on my lobes. It's not painful, but after I take the earrings off, there are marks left and the area becomes somewhat reddish. A friend told me that it's possible to adjust the clip so it doesn't press on the lobes. Is this possible? How long would such a repair take? After the repair, there won't be any issues like deformation of the earrings, right?