1  ***
2023-12-04 pm 3:37:00
CharGpt¿¡ °¡¼Å¼­ À§ ±Û Ä«ÇÇÇؼ­ ³Ö°í change to Enlish Çϼ¼¿ä.
2  ***
2023-12-04 pm 3:43:00
It seems that even though it's the same dental insurance company, each branch manages its members separately. Therefore, I need to file a claim with the insurance company of the branch I mentioned.

The dental office has combined my account with my husband's, so it's unclear who received the treatment. I had requested them to separate our accounts (as they put both of us together, it's confusing who received the treatment).

I heard from the dental office that if a claim is not made within a year of receiving treatment, the insurance company won't cover it.

The amount we paid does not match the amount listed on the statement provided by the dental office.