MUSAlist   MissyUSA¼îÇθô
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Friend`s Bday plan
75.--.27.213 2011-1-5 (13:35:21)
I have a good friend who's bday is coming up in like 2 weeks.  She lives in NY now and her other friends and I am pitching in $$ to fly her back to SF where she use to live. I was okay with it until the itinery that I received from them. They are planning all these activities including hockey games, bar hopping and etc.  I was planning to spend about $300 including airfare to get the SF for this trip but it looks more like maybe $500 or more therefore I feel like backing out.  Her other friend's are very well off as to I, I make okay $$ but I dont have $500 to spend over a weekend.  So My question is should I just go or just send my friend a nice gift.  TIA =)
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